Installation of LoRa Web Server

This section describes the installation of LoRa Web Server.

System Requiremwnts

All the requirements below should be met before installing the LoRa web server.

  • Apache (version: 2.4.* recommend: 2.4.7)
  • PHP (version>=7.0.0 recommend: 7.0.30)
  • MySQL (version>=5.7 recommend: 5.7)
  • MongoDB (recommend: 3.4.9)
  • Composer (recommend: 1.5.2)

Getting Started

  • Clone this repo into a directory:
  git clone
  cd lora-web-server
  • Install dependencies by using composer install:
  composer install
  • Copy a local . env from .env.example:
  cp .env.example .env
  • Run php artisan key:generate to generate the app key in .env file.
  php artisan key:generate
  • Modify the configurations of MySQL, MongoDB and the registration interface URL in . env file. The detailed configurations are described as follows:
  // the configuration of the database(MySQL)
  // the host of the database
  // the port of the database
  // the name of the database
  // the username
  // the password

  //registration interface provided by lora server,the default is http://localhost:3000

  // the configuration of the database(MongoDB) 
  // the name of the Mongo database
  • Perform database migration by using php artisan migrate:
  php artisan migrate
  • Run the artisan command to start the LoRa web server system directly :
  php artisan serve --host= --port=8000
  • Self-starting the web needs to do the following operations:

  • Ubuntu 14.04

Add the xxx.conf file to the /etc/init directory and modify the configurations about the project path, log, upstart commands, and so on. The detailed configurations are described as follows:

  # lora-web-server config
  # a web management system for lora-web-server
  # this is a upstart conf file
  # lora-web-server name can be modified, 
  # this is the name of the self-started service
  description  " lora-web-server "
  # no configuration required
  start on runlevel [2345]
  stop on shutdown

  respawn limit 10 5
  # configuration content that needs to be modified
    PHP=`which php`
    # the directory of the Laravel project
    PROJECT_PATH='/XXX/XXX/lora-web-server '
    # the directory of the log of the Laravel project
    # upstart host name, set to local
    # the port number of the web page,
    # ensure that it is not occupied by other service.
    # no configuration required
    LOG_DIR=`dirname $LOG_PATH`
    [[ -d $LOG_DIR ]] || mkdir -p $LOG_PATH
      # no configuration required
      exec $PHP "$PROJECT_PATH/artisan" serve --host $HOST --port $PORT >> $LOG_PATH 2>&1
     end script

Run the following command to start the LoRa web server system :

  service lora-web-server start
  • Ubuntu 16.04

Add the upstart script to the /usr/sbin/ directory and write the absolute path to the lora-web-server.service file in /lib/systemd/system/ directory:

  #!/bin/sh  XXX stand for the absolute path of the laravel project 
  php /XXX/XXX/lora-web-server /artisan serve --host --port 8000
  #the XXXX after the port indicates the port number of the web page startup.

Add the lora-web-server.service file to /lib/systemd/system/ directory :

     Description= lora-web-server

     #the specific shell execution file of the service process, 
     #xxx is the file name, not the folder name
     #here is the startup configuration file under the /usr/sbin/ path above.


Run the following command to start the LoRa web server system :

  systemctl start lora-web-server.service